Radziszów is located on the Skawinka river in Skawina commune, 20 km from Kraków (in Poland), 20 km from Kalwaria Zebrzydowska and 30 km from Wadowice. The area of Radziszow is 1552 ha, of which forests cover approximately 340 ha; therefore, it ranks among the largest villages in the Kraków sub-province (powiat). The number of residents is 2974, and the number of registered companies - 155. Radziszów has a number of community organisations, including the Voluntary Fire Brigade (since 1907), Brass Orchestra Sygnal (since 1950), Radziszów Folk Band (since 1980) and Nasz Radziszów Society (since 2002). The village has its own primary school and gymnasium. It was the first village in Skawina Commune to introduce street names (in 2003). Radziszów is accessible by train (Kraków - Zakopane route), by city bus (206 from Kraków, terminal at Łagiewniki) and by numerous private bus lines from Kraków and Skawina.
Compiled by: A.A.U. LARGO, Cracow (Poland)